This is what I did two days ago.... yes instead of organizing my files,I decided counting all the spare change in dh's junk drawer would be a better, more productive use of my time. lol!
I could not believe the spare change I gathered....seriously. And I haven't even looked in the couch or under the car seats yet. $17.00 in the junk drawer!!! Now I know that's not a really big deal to some.... I know that the really savvy money people will say to add some funds to it, and start a high interest savings ... to really get a return on it. I know some will say it's such a small amount, it really won't make a dent in the overall picture.
But I'm thinking living
frugally, and really it's all about the little ways that add up to help the overall picture. My husband has a saying when we are overwhelmed with a task. I really think it is an overused saying.... but it applies here. "
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time". Now in my mind, who would ever contemplate eating an elephant? I don't know.... just the thought turns me away from that phrase. But I guess it works with debt, finances and the overall picture. Every little bit helps....and each wise decision, each small step is one step closer to financial freedom. much spare change can
you gather?
Wow! I think that's awesome! I get excited if I find a nickel in my husband's pants pocket so $17 would make me giddy!
I have to tell you that I've been doing this for years. I have a jar and every penny I get or find, I put in this year.
I used to roll them and put them in the bank. One year, I saved over $120 in change! I bought DH a camcorder for Christmas with that money!
Anyways, for the last two years, when the jar gets full, I take it to Bi-Lo and put it in the Coin machine and get the money right there. I usually put it with my Christmas money and buy dh something with it.
Last year, for the first time, I started putting $1's in it. Just a couple here and there. That added up also.
I'm going to take my Cash Crate $$ and spare change money and open a new savings account. When the funds are large enough, I'll either pay off a bill or put it towards a vacation or some big ticket item we need.
The washer & dryer is also a good place to find change sometimes!! My change jar is low since I emptied it 2 weeks ago. $17 was a nice amount!!!!
NASCAR fan must have been happy about the 88's results yesterday....on to Sunday!!!!
Rebecca- I just hope he does okay on Sunday!
We have a spare change jar above our fridge. It really does add up quickly, and it's always fun to cash it in before we go on a trip!
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